Sarah Palin is disgusting.
Shoot wolves from the air. Teach creationism in schools. Overturn Roe v. Wade. Stop the bloviating on global warming ’cause it ain’t true. Drill in ANWAR. It’s tough to even finish Gloria Steinem’s article in the LA Times. Most pundits seem to dance around this Palin creature, careful to comment because the “Hlllary history” still lingers, but nobody seems to get it. Can that be possible: nobody gets it?
McCain picked her because Obama delivered an acceptance speech that was full of smooth thunder. Even I, a strong but financially limited supporter, was trembling with worry that Obama couldn’t give a speech that was as good as Hillary’s or Bill’s. Shame on me. This man knows what he is doing and maybe that is the problem: most of us don’t even know the behavior of a politician who knows what he is doing. Certainly McCain doesn’t. To me, the man has never been of the Republican Party: he should be an Independent, but Independents don’t win. He has performed admirably on Senate committees, took on Petraeus and Crocker before the surge and supported its success because it did decrease the violence which was, back then, astounding us all. But he votes like a man who is scared of his own instincts. And now he embraces a platform forced to extremes by Palin.
He doesn’t want a rig in ANWAR. And why would he pick up a rifle when his houses are full of animals. (Obama doesn’t even own a dog?) I personally believe that he doesn’t support the war against women’s rights. McCain, except for Ron Paul, was the only intelligent choice for the Republican Party this year–the rest (watch their speeches at the Republican Convention for yourself) were ridiculous.
All this, so obvious to me, is not even a part of the current conversation. Polls show him chasing Obama’s coattails with a possible overtake as he tosses Palin on his back. My mother, who remains to this day my political hero, insisted that her children vote, and, to this day, I have. But if McCain and Palin win in November, I am done.
I’m sure the victors won’t miss me.